Category Archives: Contemporary Dance

Correspon-dancing in September 2014

Just finished a wonderful week’s residency at Dance Base  exploring and sharing and creating with four wonderful dancers, all in our fifties – Steinvor Palsson, Audicia Morley, Susan Hay and Sue Hawksley. Working collectively and collaboratively as part of the Ripple Project.

Four of us were in the studio here in Edinburgh and Sue is in her new home in Adelaide, Australia. Our inspiration was the environment we find ourselves in (or lose ourselves in), noticing how we respond through our senses and how it might inform our creative movement explorations.

We gave ourselves the freedom to use the week to explore our process without pressure of a finished product. We emailed each day with Sue in Australia sharing our very different experiences in written and spoken word, movement and dance. We also wanted to share our processes with the Dancebase ‘audience’ on the regular Friday showing times. In the end up we had a lot to show and share and were thrilled to receive great feedback.

Our next step is back in the studio in Ormiston – Audicia’s State Theta Galleries in December when we will be joined by Caroline Reagh and (hopefully) a traditional Scottish musician. Plan is to build on our theme of Brigid which we took into the environment at Yellow Craig beach and the Yew Tree near Ormiston in July of this year.
